P.0 Box 1924
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Dear Wooden Car Fans,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Southern California Woodie Club. Our first goal is to organize and promote the historical value of the wooden car and the role it has played throughout history, especially in the California surfing lifestyle. Membership is open to anyone interested in the wooden car owner or not, surfer or not. Our main goal is to organize and have fun.

Dues for membership are $30.00 annually, which begins each January. Each member upon joining will receive a membership card, a water-transfer decal (bearing the club logo), along with a quarterly news letter.

T-shirts, posters, and club jackets are also available.
If you join in:
Jan.-Mar. dues are $30, April-June $25, July-Sept. $20, Oct.-Dec. $10.

Make Checks payable to :

Southern California Woodie Club
P.0 Box 1924
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

CITY______________ STATE___________ ZIP__________
EMAIL Address _______________________________
YEAR AND MAKE OF CAR__________________________

Looking forward to seeing you at one of our next events!

Best regards, 

Bev Cincotta, Membership Chair


Please print this membership application, send it completed along with your check
or money order in US Funds for $30.00 for the full year (see above for partial year payments) and mail it to the address above.
SCWC is a Chapter of the National Woodie Club.
Thank you for your support.

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